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About Ronald Tackett

Dr. Tackett’s research is currently investigating novel approaches to the treatment of cancer through magnetic
fluid hyperthermia (MFH).  This technique involves the injection of a stabilized suspension of magnetic
nanoparticles into a malignant tumor, followed by subsequent exposure to an alternating magnetic field. 
Exposure to the external field causes the nanoparticles to heat and destroy the tumor while leaving the
surrounding tissue unharmed.

Dr. Tackett is a firm believer in Kettering University's "Principles of Effective Teaching" which is based on the
establishment of high expectations, providing a positive learning environment, active engagement of the
students, and providing timely and constructive feedback, all the while reflecting and adapting in order to
optimize student learning.  In order to accomplish this, he employs research-based pedagogies which include
techniques such as Peer Instruction 1 and Problem/Project-Based Learning that aim to make the student an
active participant in class activities, in opposition to the traditional passive learning more common in a lecture-
based pedagogy.

Dr. Tackett currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Eastern Great Lakes section of the American Physical Society (EGLSAPS) and the Moderator-Elect of Kettering's Faculty Senate


Present Associate Professor of Physics, Kettering University Department of Natural Sciences


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2008 Ph.D. in Physics, Wayne State University
2007 M.S. in Physics, Wayne State University
2003 B.S. in Engineering Physics, Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information

AB 323 K
810-762- 7499

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