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Member Awareness of Dairy Cooperative Services in the North Central Region
North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics
  • Ronald E. Deiter, Iowa State University
  • Roger A. Dahlgran, Iowa State University
  • David M. Passe, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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This article reports on member awareness and member evaluation of dairy cooperative services in the North Central Region. Members seem well informed about services provided by only a few cooperatives. Years of cooperative membership, size of a producer's opration, awareness of the service by other members of the cooperative, and member's attitude about the importance of ser- vices are found to have a significant effect on a member's awareness. Contrary to recent allega- tions, members of larger cooperatives are most aware of services. Cooperative service policies seem consistent with member control. Finally it is demonstrated that selective member education programs that generate an increase in member awareness may not necessarily enhance member support


This article is from North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics 4 (1982): 31, doi: 10.2307/1349064. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
File Format
Citation Information
Ronald E. Deiter, Roger A. Dahlgran and David M. Passe. "Member Awareness of Dairy Cooperative Services in the North Central Region" North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 4 Iss. 2 (1982) p. 31 - 44
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