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Ten Steps for Conceptualizing and Conducting Qualitative Research Studies in a Pragmatically Curious Manner
The Qualitative Report
  • Ronald J. Chenail, Nova Southeastern University

In a world of methodological pluralism and mixed-methods, qualitative researchers can take a pathway of pragmatic curiosity by exploring their research interests and the possible design and methodology choices to create studies that not only allow them to pursue their investigative curiosities, but also result in coherent and effective systems of procedural choices. Ten steps are offered for researchers to conceive and conduct qualitative research projects that are both responsive to research goals and objectives and defendable to criteria of quality and critics of utility.

  • Qualitative Research,
  • Research Design,
  • Research Methodology,
  • Mixed-Methods,
  • Methodological Pluralism,
  • Pragmatic Curiosity
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Citation Information
Ronald J. Chenail. "Ten Steps for Conceptualizing and Conducting Qualitative Research Studies in a Pragmatically Curious Manner" (2011) p. 1715 - 1732
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