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Popular Press
How a Commie-hating Newspaper Editor Forced Out a Popular WWU President
The Seattle Times (2016)
  • Ron C. Judd, Western Washington University
In 1935 a group of “pro-America” Bellingham archconservatives publicly branded Western Washington College of Education president Charles Fisher as a closet communist, atheist, pacifist, and promoter of “free love.” The ringleader was Frank Ira Sefrit, manager and editor of The Bellingham Herald. Fisher vehemently denied the charges. Faculty and students rallied to Fisher’s defense, ultimately to no avail. He was asked to leave at the end of the 1938-39 school year.
  • Frank I. Sefrit,
  • Charles H. Fisher,
  • Bellingham "Red Scare" campaign,
  • Western Washington College of Education
Publication Date
February 25, 2016
Citation Information
Ron C. Judd. "How a Commie-hating Newspaper Editor Forced Out a Popular WWU President" The Seattle Times (2016)
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