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Vertical Nanowire Transistor in Flexible Polymer Foil
Applied Physics Letters
  • Jie Chen, Hahn-Meitner Institut Berlin
  • Rolf Könenkamp, Portland State University
Document Type
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  • Nanowires,
  • Transistors

Fabrication and operation of a vertical nanowire field-effect transistor is reported. The device is prepared by growing vertical wires in the cylindrical pores of a polymer foil stack. The nanowirediameter is approximately 100 nm, the packing density up to 10⁸ cm⁻². The polymer foil stack consists of two polymer layers and an intermediate metal layer. Cylindrical holes are prepared in this stack by using fast ion irradiation and subsequent etching. Well-defined cylindrical openings with diameters between 50 and 150 nm are obtained. The semiconductor growth involves electrodeposition of the p-type quaternary compound CuSCN. Electrical measurements on first devices show transistor action with some gate leakage, which may be improved in future designs. The arrangement of inorganic device material embedded in soft polymer matrix is structurally robust, and the devices show low sensitivity to mechanical strain of the foil. Single electron effects may be expected in these devices, when the dimensions are further reduced.


© 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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*At the time of publication Rolf Könenkamp was affilated with Hahn-Meitner Institut Berlin

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Citation Information
Jie, C., & Konenkamp, R. R. (2003). Vertical nanowire transistor in flexible polymer foil. Applied Physics Letters, 82(26), 4782-4784.