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Factors affecting survival of perennial wheatgrasses seeded during drought in Morocco
Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation (1995)
  • Roger E. Banner
The effect of three methods of seeding for species of perennial wheatgrasses (Agro‐pyron spp.) on three range sites in the Moulouya Plain of Morocco was evaluated under conditions of drought. Germination and survivability of these wheatgrasses during drought were measured. A conventional method of land preparation and seeding was compared with two different techniques using a rang eland drill in 1984. Agropyron elongatum (Host) Beauv., A. intermedium (Host) Beauv., A. trichophorum (Link) Richt., and A. cristatum (L) Geartn. were seeded on two shallow‐soil sites dominated by Stipa tenassicima L and Artemisia herba‐alba Asso and a deep‐soil site dominated by A. herba‐alba in 1984. On the shallow, more xeric sites the conventional method of site preparation and seeding favored establishment and longevity. On these sites, species with large seeds (A. elongatum, A. intermedium, and A. trichophommjwere more adept at establishment during drought conditions than the smaller seeded A. cristatum regardless of planting method. The same trend existed on the deep‐soil site, but differences were not statistically significant.
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Citation Information
Roger E. Banner. "Factors affecting survival of perennial wheatgrasses seeded during drought in Morocco" Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation Vol. 9 Iss. 1 (1995) p. 51 - 62
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