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About Rodolfo Sarsfield

Sarsfield’s research has focused on political psychology in Latin America, with an emphasis on support for democracy, populism, and polarization. Additionally, his research has focused on concepts and methods in political science, with a particular interest on the conceptualization and measurement of public opinion.

Sarsfield is the co-author of Research Design (2018, Statistical Publishing Associate, Asheboro, NC), with G. David Garson, and the editor of Democracy, Public Opinion, and Democratization (2010, Democracia y opinión pública en países de reciente democratización, Editorial Pablo Iglesias, Madrid). Rodolfo Sarsfield has co-edited three special issues, including the following: "The New Polarization in Latin America. Sources, Dynamics, and Implications for Democracy" (2024, Latin America Politics and Society), with Paolo Moncagatta and Kenneth M. Roberts; "Narratives, Polarization, and Democratic Fatigue" (2024, Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública), with Rosario Aguilar; and "Rethinking the Rule of Law: Concepts, Measures, and Theory" (2012, Justice System Journal), with Ryan E. Carlin. His research has been published in academic journals such as European Journal of Political Research, Comparative Political Studies, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, and Latin American Politics and Society, among others journals. Currently, Sarsfield works on his book titled Hierarchies in Dispute. Polarization, Social Status Perceptions, and Everyday Life in Latin America (Lexington Books).

Rodolfo Sarsfield is a member of Team Populism, where he serves on the Surveys Team. He has been Associate Researcher of the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt University, Visiting Professor of the Department of Political Science at Georgia State University, and Visiting Professor of the Department of Political Studies at Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE). Sarsfield serves on the editorial boards of Revista Latinoamerica de Opinión Pública, Statistical Publishing Associates, Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública, and Revista Política Austral. Rodolfo Sarsfield also has served as a board member at The Committee on Concepts and Methods (International Political Science Association, IPSA), and as a member of the editorial board at Secuencia, Revista de Historia y Ciencias Sociales (Instituto Mora). His research has been sponsored by the Social Science Research Council, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. McArthur Foundation.
Selected publications:

Claassen, C., K. Ackermann, E. Bertsou, L. Borba, R. E. Carlin, A. Cavari, D. Amnon, S. Dahlum, S. Gherghina, D. Hawkins, Y. Lelkes, P. C. Magalhães, R. B. Mattes, M. Meijers, A. Neundorf, D. Oross, A. Ozturk, R. Sarsfield, D. Self, B. Stanley, T-H. Tsai, A. Zaslove, & E. J. Zechmeister (2024). Conceptualizing and Measuring Support for Democracy: A New Approach, Comparative Political Studies, 0(0). 1-28.

Sarsfield, R., P. Moncagatta, & K.M. Roberts (2024). Introduction. The New Polarization in Latin America, Latin American Politics and Society, 1–23. doi:10.1017/lap.2024.15.

Sarsfield, R. & Abuchanab, Z. (2024). Populist Storytelling and Negative Affective Polarization: Social Media Evidence from Mexico, Latin American Politics and Society.  Latin American Politics and Society, 1–30. doi:10.1017/lap.2024.7.

Sarsfield, R. (2012). The Bribe Game: Microfoundations of Corruption in Mexico. Justice System Journal, 33(2), 215-235.

Schedler, A. & Sarsfield, R. (2007). Democrats with Adjectives: Linking Direct and Indirect Measure of Democratic Support. European Journal of Political Research, 46(5), 637-659.

Sarsfield, R. & Echegaray, F. (2006). Opening the Black Box. How Satisfaction with Democracy and Its Perceived Efficacy Affect Regime Preference in Latin America. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18 (2), 153-73.


Present Associate Professor, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico ‐ School of Political Science
Adjunct Faculty Member, IE University ‐ School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Political Psychology, Public Opinion, Support for Democracy, Polarization, Social Norms, Trust, and Latin America


2019 - 2020 Research Sponsorship
Social Science Research Council
2010 - 2011 Research Sponsorship
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
2007 - 2009 Research Sponsorship
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2020 - 2021 Visiting Professor, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
2014 - 2015 Visiting Professor, Georgia State University
2006 - 2007 Associate Researcher, Vanderbilt University
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Honors and Awards

  • Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, 2004-2022, Mexico


  • Political Methodology; Comparative Politics; Political Science


2000 - 2004 Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) ‐ PhD In Political Science
1998 - 2000 MA in Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba ‐ Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
1989 - 1994 Professor in History, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba ‐ Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades

Concepts and Methods in Political Science (6)

Political psychology in Latin America (14)

Measuring institutional performance (3)