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About Rochell McWhorter

Dr. Rochell McWhorter is currently an Associate Professor of Human Resource Development at The University of Texas at Tyler. Her long-term research agenda includes the study of scenario planning as the development of leadership capability and capacity within virtual environments for the purpose of preparing organizations for times of uncertainty. Her passion for emerging technologies includes the study of virtual human resource development (VHRD) to discover its implications for research and practice in the field of HRD.     Visit:


2017 - Present Associate Professor, University of Texas at Tyler Human Resource Development
2011 - 2017 Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Tyler Human Resource Development
2009 - 2011 Senior Lecturer, University of Texas at Tyler College of Business and Technology

Curriculum Vitae


2020 - Present Exploring ESports in Higher Education
University of Texas at Tyler
Presidential Interdisciplinary Grant
Colleague(s): Delello, J.A., Roberts, P.R., Alger, D.
2017 - 2017 STEMI in Healthcare Setting
University of Texas at Tyler
Faculty Summer Research Grant
2014 - 2014 Collaborative Research Initiation
University of Texas at Tyler, Faculty Senate and Office of Innovation and Student Success
Colleague(s): Delello, J.A., Stevens, R., Neel, J.
2014 - 2014 Internal Faculty Research Grant
University of Texas at Tyler, Office of Sponsored Research
2012 - 2012 Faculty Learning Grant
University of Texas at Tyler
Innovative Technology Research Grant
2006 - 2006 Innovative Teacher Grant
Tyler Independent School District
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2017 - Present Associate Editor, Advances in Developing Human Resources Journal
2014 - Present Editorial Board Member, Advances in Developing Human Resources Journal
2014 - 2016 Track Chair Editor, Virtual Human Resource Development, Technology and Distance Learning, The Academy of Human Resource
2014 - 2014 Associate Editor of special issue, Advances in Developing Human Resources Journal
2010 - 2010 Editor of special issue, Advances in Developing Human Resources Journal
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Honors and Awards

  • Honorary Life Membership in Parent Teacher Association for Distinguished Service to Children and Youth, Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers - 2003
  • Acknowlegdement in Analysis for Improving Performance - 2007
  • Spirit Award, Relay for Life in Second Life Committee, The American Cancer Society - 2008
  • Invited Researcher, Shambhala Instute for Authentic Leadership, Trent University - 2008
  • Kappa Delta Pi, Mu Chi Chapter, International Honor Society, Texas A&M University - 2009
  • Epsilon Pi Tau, International Honor Society for professions in Technology, UT Tyler - 2010
  • Acknowledgement in Scenario Planning in Organizations - 2011
  • Acknowledgement in Journal Article for technical assistance for PhD Nursing Instructors and Students, Second Life as a Clinical Conference Environment - 2011
  • Cutting Edge Award for Outstanding Paper in 2011 Conference Proceedings, AHRD - 2011
  • Who's Who among students in American Universities and Colleges Award, Who's Who - 2011
  • Outstanding Young Teacher Award, Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) - 2012
  • Nominated for 2011 Faculty Teaching Award, College of Business and Technology - 2012
  • Nominated for 2012 Faculty Teaching Award, College of Business and Technology, The University of Texas at Tyler - 2013
  • Nominated for Digital Innovation Teaching Award, EdSurge and Digital Promise - 2014
  • The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award $2,000 The University of Texas at Tyler - 2017


  • HRD 3312: Training, Selection and Recruiting
  • HRD 4321: Introduction to E-Learning
  • HRD 4331: Workforce and Organizational Development
  • HRD 5331: Workforce Development
  • HRD 5350: Leadership and Ethics in Human Resource Development
  • TECH 1301: Technology and Society
  • TECH 2323: Introduction to Computer Applications
  • TECH 2330: Information Technology and Communications
  • TECH 4173: E-Portfolio
  • TECH 4372: Capstone Experience


2011 Ph.D., Texas A&M University ‐ Human Resource Development
1993 M.Ed., University of Texas at Tyler ‐ Educational Diagnostician
1990 B.S., University of Texas at Tyler ‐ Education

Proceedings (14)

Presentations (86)