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The Replacement of Stenonema spp. by Caenis diminuta Walker as the Numerical Dominant in the Mayfly Assemblage of a Thermally-Stressed Stream
Journal of Freshwater Ecology (1985)
  • N. LeRoy Poff, Colorado State University
  • Robin A. Matthews, Colorado State University
Mayfly community structures in a thermally-stressed, previously thermally-stressed and an undisturbed stream were compared based on nymphal colonization of leaf packs incubated over a 48 d period from December 1982 to February 1983. Temperatures ranged from 7–31C in the thermally-stressed stream and from 4–12C in the other two streams. Accumulated degree days (>0C) were 734, 340 and 322 for the thermally-stressed, post-stressed and undisturbed streams, respectively. Stenonema spp. numerically dominated the mayfly fauna over the sampling period in the undisturbed (70%) and post-stressed (98%) streams, but was replaced by Caenis diminuta Walker (88%) in the stream receiving thermal effluent from a nuclear production reactor. Caenis diminuta is tolerant of rapidly fluctuating (Delta;T > 11C/hr) and high temperatures (possibly up to 40C).
  • Mayfly community structures
Publication Date
January 6, 1985
Citation Information
N. LeRoy Poff and Robin A. Matthews. "The Replacement of Stenonema spp. by Caenis diminuta Walker as the Numerical Dominant in the Mayfly Assemblage of a Thermally-Stressed Stream" Journal of Freshwater Ecology Vol. 3 Iss. 1 (1985) p. 19 - 26
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