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Cuasi Factivos
Elenkhos (2016)
  • Axel Barcelo Aspeitia
  • Robert J. Stainton
We introduce a construction which we label 'quasi-factive'. They are heard like factives, in that we immediately take the complement to be true. Yet they aren't really factive at all. Examples include: 'It's not widely known that Marta was born in Canada' (because she was born in Uruguay); 'Don't tell anyone that Carlos will run as a candidate' (because he won't); 'Did it bother Jane that Miguel came?' (no, because Miguel didn't come). We identify sub-categories of our quasi-factives, and then tentatively explore a pragmatic explanation of how they work their magic.
  • Presupposition,
  • factives,
  • pragmatics
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Open access
Citation Information
Axel Barcelo Aspeitia and Robert J. Stainton. "Cuasi Factivos" Elenkhos Vol. 1 Iss. 1 (2016) p. 65 - 88
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