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Environmental Policies, Innovation and Productivity in EU
LSE ‘Europe in Question’ Discussion Paper Series (2015)
  • Roberta De Santis
  • Dr Cecilia Jona Lasinio, ISTAT, Italian National Institute of Statistics, Rome, Italy
In this paper we test the weak Porter hypothesis on a sample of European economies in theperiod 1995-2008. We focus on the channels through which tighter environmental regulation
affects productivity and innovation. Our findings suggest that the “weak” Porter hypothesis
cannot be rejected and that the choice of policy instruments is not neutral. In particular,market based environmental stringency measures seem to be the most suitable to stimulateinnovation and productivity growth. Consistently with the strategic reorientation ofenvironmental policies in the European Union since the end of the eighties, our resultsindicate that the EU might privilege market based instruments in order to meet moreeffectively the 2030 targets, especially through the channels of innovation and productivityenhancement.
  • environmental regulation,
  • productivity,
  • innovation,
  • Porter hypothesis
Publication Date
Fall November 1, 2015
Citation Information
Roberta De Santis and Cecilia Jona Lasinio. "Environmental Policies, Innovation and Productivity in EU" LSE ‘Europe in Question’ Discussion Paper Series (2015)
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