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A Comparison of Online (High Tech) and Traditional (High Touch) Learning in Business Communication Courses in Silicon Valley
Journal of Education for Business (2006)
  • Robert E. Sibley, San Jose State University
  • M. Fortune, San Jose State University
  • B. Shifflett, San Jose State University
In this study, the authors explored differences in perceptions of skill development and the value of face-to-face interaction between students taking a business communication course offered online and in the traditional, on-campus classroom environment. They hypothesized that there would be no statistically significant difference in face-to-face interaction or perceived learning scores between students enrolled in online sections and those enrolled in traditional, in-class sections of business communication courses. In both cases, the authors observed a statistically significant difference. Findings suggest that the two groups of students were quite similar with respect to perceptions of skill development; however, the authors observed differences in the area of face-to-face interaction.
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Citation Information
Robert E. Sibley, M. Fortune and B. Shifflett. "A Comparison of Online (High Tech) and Traditional (High Touch) Learning in Business Communication Courses in Silicon Valley" Journal of Education for Business Vol. 81 Iss. 4 (2006)
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