Embedding Affective Learning Outcomes in Library Instruction
Communications in Information Literacy
Document Type
Publication Date
- Information literacy,
- Academic libraries,
- Affective education
While information literacy in higher education has long been focused on cognitive learning outcomes, attention must be paid to students' affective, emotional needs throughout the research process. This article identifies models for embedding affective learning outcomes within information literacy instruction, and provides strategies to help librarians discover, articulate, and address students' self-efficacy, motivation, emotions and attitudes. Worksheets to assist in creating affective learning outcomes are included to bring structure to an area of learning that is often challenging to articulate and measure. Also included in the article are the results of a recent survey of instruction librarians' familiarity and inclusion of affective learning outcomes within teaching and learning initiatives.
Persistent Identifier
Citation Information
Cahoy, E., & Schroeder, R. (2012). Embedding Affective Learning Outcomes in Library Instruction. Communications In Information Literacy, 6(1), 73-90.
This is the publisher's final PDF. Copyright 2012 Cahoy and Schroeder.