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2000 Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (2001)
  • Robert H. Schmidt, Utah State University
This report summarizes contemporary scientific knowledge on euthanasia in animals and calls attention to the lack of scientific reports assessing pain, dis- comfort, and distress in animals being euthanized. Many reports on various methods of euthanasia are either anecdotal, testimonial narratives, or unsubstantiated opinions and are, therefore, not cited in this report. The panel strongly endorses the need for well- designed experiments to more fully determine the extent to which each procedure meets the criteria used for judging methods of euthanasia.
Each means of euthanasia has advantages and disadvantages. It is unlikely that, for each situation, any means will meet all desirable criteria. It is also impractical for this report to address every potential circumstance in which animals are to be euthanized. Therefore, the use of professional judgment is imperative.
Failure to list or recommend a means of euthanasia in this report does not categorically condemn its use. There may occasionally be special circumstances or situations in which other means may be acceptable. For research animals, these exceptions should be care- fully considered by the attending veterinarian and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. In other settings, professional judgment should be used.
The panel discourages the use of unapproved products for euthanasia, unless the product has a clearly understood mechanism of action and pharmacokinetics, and studies published in the literature that scientifically verify and justify its use. Those responsible for euthanasia decisions have a critically important responsibility to carefully assess any new technique, method, or device, using the panel’s criteria. In the absence of definitive proof or reasonable expectation, the best interest of the animal should guide the decision process.
  • AVMA,
  • euthanasia
Publication Date
DOI: 10.2460/javma.2001.218.669
Citation Information
Beaver, B. V., W. Reed, S. Leary, B. McKiernan, F. Bain, R. Schultz, B. T. Bennett, P. Pascoe, E. Shull, L. C. Cork, R. Francis-Floyd, K. D. Amass, R. Johnson, R. H. Schmidt, W. Underwood, G.W. Thornton, and B. Kohn. 2001. Report of the AVMA panel on euthanasia. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 218:669-696.