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Black Men in higher education. New York: Routledge.
  • J Luke Wood, PhD, San Diego State University
  • Robert T. Palmer, PhD

This book bridges theory to practice in order to help institutional officials be better prepared in their efforts to increase the success of Black men in higher education. Although this book will highlight the current status of Black men in higher education, and review relevant research literature on their experiences in various post secondary education contexts, a significant portion of this book will focus on providing and contextualizing detailed recommendations, ranging from institutional practice to federal policies and programs—to help institutions increase the participation and success of Black male college students. This book will also include a model of success based on prior literature on Black men in college. This comprehensive model accounts for academic, background, social, environmental, and institutional factors impacting their success (e.g., achievement, attainment, persistence). The book will provide implications for future research on this critical topic.

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Citation Information
J Luke Wood, PhD and Robert T. Palmer, PhD. Black Men in higher education. New York: Routledge.. New York: NY(2014)
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