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Spalanie odpadów niebezpiecznych w piecach cementowych. Część 2. Destrukcja paliwa i emisja zanieczyszczeń
Ekoinżynieria (1998)
  • Robert Oleniacz

Conditions occurring in cement rotary kilns assure high destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of the most stable substances, efficacious dry sorption of acid gases in the alkaline raw meal and heavy metals bounding in the clinker. Adequate operation of hazardous waste incineration in the process connected with cement clinker production does not cause increasing air pollutant emissions. Magnitude of the emissions often does not depend of this if there are using wastes in the cement kiln at all. The work presents a review of DRE levels and stack emissions for selected flue-gas constituents during hazardous waste co-combustion in cement kilns with regard to such substances as THC, PCB, PCDD/PCDF, CFC, heavy metals and other gaseous and dust air pollutants.

English title: Incineration of hazardous waste in cement kilns. Part 2. Destruction of fuel constituents and pollutant emissions.

  • cement industry,
  • cement kiln,
  • cement clinker production,
  • hazardous waste,
  • waste co-combustion,
  • co-incineration,
  • destruction and removal efficiency,
  • DRE,
  • air pollutants,
  • stack emissions,
  • emission factors
Publication Date
October 1, 1998
Citation Information
Robert Oleniacz. "Spalanie odpadów niebezpiecznych w piecach cementowych. Część 2. Destrukcja paliwa i emisja zanieczyszczeń" Ekoinżynieria Iss. 9(34) (1998)
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