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Pirolityczne metody utylizacji odpadów niebezpiecznych - przykładowe rozwiązania i emisja zanieczyszczeń
Inżynieria Środowiska (1999)
  • Robert Oleniacz

The paper presents the pyrolysis and gasification processes of organic matter and the main directions of their use for the thermal disposal of hazardous waste. Used for this purpose the basic technical solutions are discussed with regard to existing and new technologies. Given the fact that the pyrolytic methods in Poland were primarily used for the incineration of medical waste, most attention was paid to a facility designated for such waste disposal. The problem of air pollutant emissions from this type of installation and some operating guidelines was also presented on the basis of the literature analyses and own research.

English title: Pyrolytic methods of hazardous waste utilization – exemplary solutions and air pollutant emissions.

  • hazardous waste,
  • thermal waste treatment,
  • waste pyrolysis,
  • waste gasification,
  • starved-air incinerators,
  • flue gas constituents,
  • air pollutants,
  • stack emissions
Publication Date
June 30, 1999
Citation Information
Robert Oleniacz. "Pirolityczne metody utylizacji odpadów niebezpiecznych - przykładowe rozwiązania i emisja zanieczyszczeń" Inżynieria Środowiska Vol. 4 Iss. 2 (1999)
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