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Wpływ rodzaju spalanych paliw i działań termomodernizacyjnych na oddziaływanie budynku jednorodzinnego na jakość powietrza
Powietrze atmosferyczne. Jakość - zagrożenia - ochrona (2016)
  • Robert Oleniacz
  • Magdalena Kasietczuk
  • Magdalena Kępka
The paper discusses the overall impact of the type of burned fuel and thermal renovation actions within a detached house on the emission of some pollutants into the air. It shows also an example of the assessment of the impact on air quality for residential building with a heated area of 185 m2, which came into use in 1997, for three periods of its operation with different way of heating and preparing domestic hot water, and heat loss to the environment (due to the changes made in this range by thermal renovation). This assessment takes into account the maximum and average emissions considered pollutants (NOx, CO, SO2, PM10, and B(a)P), estimated using emission factors based on the power of used heating devices and energy demand resulting from the prepared energy performance certificates. Calculations of pollutant dispersion in the ambient air was performed using the Polish reference methodology and they have allowed to determine the impact of the analyzed object on air quality at different periods of its operation, both on the ground level and on the first floor of neighboring buildings.
English title: Effects of the type of burned fuel and thermal renovation on impact of single-family house on air quality.
  • Fuel Combustion,
  • Residential Buildings,
  • Thermal Renovation,
  • Energy Saving,
  • Air Emissions,
  • Air Pollution,
  • Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling,
  • Air Quality Impact Assessment
Publication Date
June 1, 2016
K. Gaj, J. Kuropka
Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
Citation Information
Robert Oleniacz, Magdalena Kasietczuk and Magdalena Kępka. "Wpływ rodzaju spalanych paliw i działań termomodernizacyjnych na oddziaływanie budynku jednorodzinnego na jakość powietrza" WrocławPowietrze atmosferyczne. Jakość - zagrożenia - ochrona (2016) p. 253 - 266
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