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About Robert Lublin

Robert Lublin specializes in theatre history and historiography and has published articles and reviews on English and American theatre in numerous journals, including Theatre Survey, Theatre Notebook, American Drama, and others. Additionally, he has written chapters in books on feminist pedagogy, Sarah Kane's radical dramaturgy, and the sacred and the profane in early modern English literature. He is the author of Costuming the Shakespearean Stage: Visual Codes of Representation in Early Modern Theatre and Culture. This monograph examines costuming practices in early modern London and considers the visual semiotics that determined how apparel was understood when it was first seen on the Shakespearean stage. He is currently co-editing a collection titled Reinventing the Renaissance: Shakespeare and His Contemporaries in Adaptation and Performance. In addition to teaching courses in theatre history and dramatic literature, Lublin also teaches acting, directs plays, and has experience as a fight choreographer.


Present Associate Professor of Performing Arts, College of Liberal Arts, University of Massachusetts Boston

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Contact Information

Telephone: 617.287.5646
Office Location: McCormack Hall,02,00615


Articles (7)

Books (2)

Contributions to Books (1)