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Unpublished Paper
On the Minimum Ropelength of Knots and Links
Inventiones mathematicae (2002)
  • Jason Cantarella
  • Robert B. Kusner, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • John M. Sullivan

The ropelength of a knot is the quotient of its length by its thickness, the radius of the largest embedded normal tube around the knot. We prove existence and regularity for ropelength minimizers in any knot or link type; these are C 1,1 curves, but need not be smoother. We improve the lower bound for the ropelength of a nontrivial knot, and establish new ropelength bounds for small knots and links, including some which are sharp.

Publication Date
June 17, 2002
Pre-published version downloaded from archive Published version located at
Citation Information
Jason Cantarella, Robert B. Kusner and John M. Sullivan. "On the Minimum Ropelength of Knots and Links" Inventiones mathematicae (2002)
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