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Experimental Test of a New Mechanism of Dissipation in Accelerated Superfluid Film Flow
Physics Letters A (1974)
  • Robert Hallock, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • E. B Flint
We have measured the damping, α, and the frequency, ω, of superfluid film oscillations under quasi-isothermal conditions for a variety of geometries. Experimental values for α are found to be in quantitative agreement with the Robinson theory as applied to film flow. This suggests that the damping mechanism proposed recently by Calvani, Greulich and Maraviglia does not provide a major contribution to the dissipation we observe.
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Citation Information
Robert Hallock and E. B Flint. "Experimental Test of a New Mechanism of Dissipation in Accelerated Superfluid Film Flow" Physics Letters A Vol. 47 Iss. 5 (1974)
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