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Eating Behavior of Obese and Nonobese Retarded Adults
American Journal of Mental Deficiency
  • Robert A. Fox, Marquette University
  • Jennifer E. Burkhart, Ohio State University - Main Campus
  • Anthony F. Rotatori, University of New Orleans
Document Type
Publication Date
American Association on Mental Deficiency (American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities)

An obese group and a nonobese group of moderately mentally retarded adults were identified through use of body weight and tricep skinfold thickness measures. Subjects were observed individually in a sheltered workshop cafeteria during their normal lunch period. A variety of eating behavior measures
were obtained. Results indicated that the obese retarded subjects did not differ from their nonobese peers in eating rate, total meal time, or caloric intake. Large variability was observed in the measures for both groups. Implications of these data for behavioral treatments of obesity and the need for alternative explanations of an obese condition were discussed.


Published version. American Journal of Mental Deficiency (American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities), Vol. 87, No. 5 (March 1983): 570-573. Publisher Link. © 1983 American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Used with permission.

Citation Information
Robert A. Fox, Jennifer E. Burkhart and Anthony F. Rotatori. "Eating Behavior of Obese and Nonobese Retarded Adults" American Journal of Mental Deficiency (1983) ISSN: 0002-9351
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