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Thicker Selves in Law and Economics: Toward a Unified Social Thoery
Festschrift fur Wolfgang Fikentscher (1998)
  • Robert D. Cooter
The economic analysis of law initially treated sanctions as prices and used price
theory to predict changes in behavior caused by changes in laws. By supplying law with
its first scientific theory of behavior, the economic analysis oflaw succeed more than its
most optimistic proponents could have hoped. However, economics cannot as yet model
the internalization of norms by which law decentralizes. I propose such a model based on
"thickening economic man," so that self-interest includes values and goals beyond
maximizing income or power. Such a theory of internalization would unify economics
and developmental psychology.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Robert D. Cooter. "Thicker Selves in Law and Economics: Toward a Unified Social Thoery" Festschrift fur Wolfgang Fikentscher (1998)
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