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Severe food restriction activates the central renin angiotensin system
Physiological Reports
  • Aline Maria De Souza, Georgetown University
  • Andrea Linares, Nova Southeastern University
  • Robert C Speth, Georgetown University; Nova Southeastern University
  • Glenda V Campos, Georgetown University
  • Hong Ji, Georgetown University
  • Deoclécio Chianca, Universidade, Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Kathryn Sandberg, Georgetown University
  • Rodrigo C De Menezes, Universidade, Federal de Ouro Preto
Document Type
Publication Date
  • RAS-Fingerprint®,
  • angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE),
  • angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2),
  • caloric reduction,
  • inadequate food intake

We previously showed that 2 weeks of a severe food restricted (sFR) diet (40% of the caloric intake of the control (CT) diet) up-regulated the circulating renin angiotensin (Ang) system (RAS) in female Fischer rats, most likely as a result of the fall in plasma volume. In this study, we investigated the role of the central RAS in the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) dysregulation associated with sFR. Although sFR reduced basal mean MAP and HR, the magnitude of the pressor response to intracerebroventricular (icv) microinjection of Ang-[1-8] was not affected; however, HR was 57 ± 13 bpm lower 26 min after Ang-[1-8] microinjection in the sFR rats and a similar response was observed after losartan was microinjected. The major catabolic pathway of Ang-[1-8] in the hypothalamus was via Ang-[1-7]; however, no differences were detected in the rate of Ang-[1-8] synthesis or degradation between CT and sFR animals. While sFR had no effect on the AT R binding in the subfornical organ (SFO), the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OVLT) and median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) of the paraventricular anteroventral third ventricle, ligand binding increased 1.4-fold in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus. These findings suggest that sFR stimulates the central RAS by increasing AT R expression in the PVN as a compensatory response to the reduction in basal MAP and HR. These findings have implications for people experiencing a period of sFR since an activated central RAS could increase their risk of disorders involving over activation of the RAS including renal and cardiovascular diseases.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Citation Information
Aline Maria De Souza, Andrea Linares, Robert C Speth, Glenda V Campos, et al.. "Severe food restriction activates the central renin angiotensin system" Physiological Reports Vol. 8 Iss. 1 (2020) p. e14338 ISSN: 2051-817X
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