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Contribution to Book
Chapter 19: Quantitative Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of a Synthetic Predator–Prey Ecosystem
Biology Faculty Books and Book Chapters
  • Stephen Payne
  • Robert P. Smith, Duke University
  • Lingchong You, Duke University
Publication Date
  • Synthetic ecosystem,
  • Quorum sensing,
  • Predator-Prey ecosystem,
  • Microbial consortia,
  • Biodiversity,
  • Synthetic biology,
  • Bidirectional Communication,
  • Gene Circuit

A major focus in synthetic biology is the rational design and implementation of gene circuits to control dynamics of individual cells and, increasingly, cellular populations. Population-level control is highlighted in recent studies which attempt to design and implement synthetic ecosystems (or engineered microbial consortia). On the one hand, these engineered systems may serve as a critical technological foundation for practical applications. On the other hand, they may serve as well-defined model systems to examine biological questions of broad relevance. Here, using a synthetic predator-prey ecosystem as an example, we illustrate the basic experimental techniques involved in system implementation and characterization. By extension, these techniques are applicable to the analysis of other microbial-based synthetic or natural ecosystems.

Humana Press
Additional Information

From the book: Synthetic Gene Networks: Methods and Protocols

Part of the Methods in Molecular Biology Series

Citation Information
Stephen Payne, Robert P. Smith and Lingchong You. "Chapter 19: Quantitative Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of a Synthetic Predator–Prey Ecosystem" (2012)
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