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Quoted in Tax Notes Today on Court’s Overpayment Interest Decision Limits Forum Choice
Tax Notes Today (2020)
  • Emily Foster
In Bank of America, the Federal Circuit continued a recent trend toward rejecting the Sixth Circuit's Scripps decision and concluding that district courts do not have jurisdiction over stand-alone overpayment interest suits over $10,000. This may herald a decisive change, with a decision on the issue by the Eleventh Circuit in Paresky likely next year. The decision has a significant impact on Bank of America, under the Federal Circuit's interest netting decision in Wells Fargo, and also has possible implications in other areas.
  • tax,
  • tax law,
  • jurisdiction,
  • overpayment interest,
  • Bank of America,
  • Federal Circuit,
  • Sixth Circuit,
  • Scripops,
  • Second Circuit,
  • Pfizer,
  • interest netting,
  • Wells Fargo,
  • Eleventh Circuit,
  • Paresky
Publication Date
July 7, 2020
Citation Information
Emily Foster. "Quoted in Tax Notes Today on Court’s Overpayment Interest Decision Limits Forum Choice" Tax Notes Today (2020)
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