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A Modified Recipe for Interactive Classroom Demonstrations
The Physics Teacher
  • Robert Nazarian, Fairfield University
Document Type
Article Version
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Interactive classroom demonstrations (ICDs) are used extensively in physics, and prior studies indicate that, when conducted under certain conditions, they lead to appreciable increases in student gains and retention. The literature suggests that the ICD recipe for maximizing student gain is to i) introduce the physical theory that will be demonstrated, ii) describe the demonstration and prompt students to record a prediction for what will happen, iii) conduct the demonstration, and iv) return to the prediction for students to reconcile their hypotheses. Here, I propose two interrelated updates to leverage the particular strengths of Generation Z students currently enrolled in introductory physics courses as well as to address potential pitfalls in the canonical ICD recipe: the inclusion of simple, yet flashy demonstrations, and the integration of social media to disseminate and further engage with the results.


© 2022 Author(s). Published under an exclusive license by American Association of Physics Teachers.

This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in R.H Nazarian, Phys. Teach. 60, 504–507 (2022) and may be found at

Published Citation
Robert H. Nazarian, "A Modified Recipe for Interactive Classroom Demonstrations", The Physics Teacher 60, 504-507 (2022)
Peer Reviewed
Citation Information
Robert Nazarian. "A Modified Recipe for Interactive Classroom Demonstrations" The Physics Teacher Vol. 60 Iss. 6 (2022)
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