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Mate Replacement and Alloparental Care in Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis)
The Prairie Naturalist
  • Shubham Datta, South Dakota State University
  • Will M. Inselman, South Dakota State University
  • Jonathan A. Jenks, South Dakota State University
  • Kent C. Jensen, South Dakota State University
  • Christopher C. Swanson, United States Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Robert W. Klaver, Iowa State University
  • Indrani Sasmal, South Dakota State University
  • Troy W. Grovenburg, South Dakota State University
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Alloparental care (i.e., care for unrelated offspring) has been documented in various avian species (Maxson 1978, Smith et al. 1996, Te Ila et al. 1997, Lislevand et al. 2001, Literak and Mraz 2011). A male replacement mate that encounters existing broods has options, which include alloparental care or infanticide. Infanticide may be beneficial in some species (Rohwer 1986, Kermott et al. 1990), but in long-lived avian species, like the ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis) that do not renest within a season, infanticide might be detrimental. Adoption and rearing success likely provide direct evidence of competence of replacement mates as potential parents for future seasons, a benefit that might outweigh the investment of time and effort associated with adoption and rearing (after Rohwer 1986). Anticipated mating opportunity at the cost of adoption (Gori et al. 1996, Rohwer et al. 1999) may explain step-parental benevolence and therefore, in such a scenario would enhance individual fitness through subsequent recruitment of related young.


This article is published as Datta, S., J. A. Jenks, K. C. Jensen, C. C. Swanson, R. W. Klaver, I. Sasmal, and T. W. Grovenburg. 2015. Mate Replacement and Alloparental Care in Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis). Prairie Naturalist 47:36-37.

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Citation Information
Shubham Datta, Will M. Inselman, Jonathan A. Jenks, Kent C. Jensen, et al.. "Mate Replacement and Alloparental Care in Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis)" The Prairie Naturalist Vol. 47 Iss. 1 (2015) p. 36 - 37
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