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An in situ probe‐spacing‐correcting thermo‐TDR sensor to measure soil water content accurately
European Journal of Soil Science
  • M. M. Wen, China Agricultural University
  • G. Liu, China Agricultural University
  • R. Horton, Iowa State University
  • K. Noborio, Meiji University
Document Type
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
Publication Date

To reduce the possibility of probe deflections, conventional thermo-time domain reflectometry (T-TDR) sensors have relatively short probe lengths (≤4 cm). However, short probes lead to large errors in TDR-estimated soil water content (θv). In this study, two new 6-cm-long probe-spacing-correcting T-TDR (CT-TDR) sensors were investigated. Compared to conventional 4-cm-long T-TDR sensors, the 6-cm-long CT-TDR sensors reduced errors in TDR-estimated θv. Errors in heat pulse (HP) estimated θv because of probe deflections were reduced when linear or nonlinear probe spacing correcting algorithms were implemented. The 6-cm-long CT-TDR sensors provided more accurate θv estimations than do the conventional 4-cm-long TTDR sensors.


This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Wen, M. M., G. Liu, R. Horton, and K. Noborio. "An in situ probe‐spacing‐correcting thermo‐TDR sensor to measure soil water content accurately." European Journal of Soil Science (2018), which has been published in final form at doi: 10.1111/ejss.12718. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.

Copyright Owner
John Wiley & Sons
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Citation Information
M. M. Wen, G. Liu, R. Horton and K. Noborio. "An in situ probe‐spacing‐correcting thermo‐TDR sensor to measure soil water content accurately" European Journal of Soil Science (2018)
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