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About Robbie Busch

Dr Robbie Busch is a Senior Lecturer in the Behavioural Science Programme in the School of Arts and Sciences, Fremantle. His PhD research critically examined the epistemological differences of narrative therapy and evidence-based psychotherapy evaluation. His previous roles were a Curriculum Development Facilitator, Senior Tutor and Research Assistant at Massey University, New Zealand. Prior to Notre Dame, Robbie taught foundational, experimental, social, discursive and cognitive psychology, psychological assessment, and postgraduate units of principles of just therapy and qualitative research design principles. He was part of the former Discursive Therapies Programme at Massey University, conducted research in critical psychology and was an evaluator for a community-focused anti-violence initiative network, and established a symposium and peer-review programme for doctoral candidates to publish their research. His current research involves international collaborations on addressing intersecting issues of power relations, wellbeing, environments, media and masculinity.


Present Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Science, The University of Notre Dame Australia School of Arts and Sciences, Fremantle

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  • BESC1000 Developmental Psychology
  • BESC1110 Developmental Psychology - Health Sciences
  • BESC1120 Developmental Psychology - Education
  • BESC1130 Developmental Psychology – Nursing
  • Health Psychology
  • Organisational Behaviour

Contact Information

Dr Robbie Busch
BA(Hons), MA Cant., BAppSc, DipAppMH OPNZ, BSc(Hons), PGCertSc, PhD Massey
Lecturer, Behavioural Science

Phone: (08) 9433 0725

Articles (7)

Book Chapters (1)

Conference Papers (3)

Reports (1)