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Spock Check: Using Logic Models to Align Collection Management Activities with Library Outcomes
Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge (2016)
  • Rick A Stoddart
In this time of often precarious funding, any case that can be made to illustrate how library activities strategically fits into the overall university or library mission is not only worth merit, but an essential survival technique. Star Trek’s Mr. Spock once said, “Insufficient facts always invite danger.” A logic model is a graphical representation of “library facts” about inputs, outputs, and intended library outcomes. Developing a collections logic model affords libraries to apply strategic thinking to their collection activities. A collections logic model offers the opportunity to potentially answer these types of questions: How do acquisitions and collection management advance the library’s strategic plan? Are there opportunities missed, efforts wasted, or activities to be better leveraged that contribute to university outcomes? How well does library assessment data tell the story you want to tell about your library? As Mr. Spock said so eloquently, “Logic is the beginning of wisdom… not the end.” A logic model approach offers a first step to collection wisdom by illustrating the alignment of library collections toward library outcomes.
  • logic models,
  • library acquisitions
Publication Date
May 15, 2016
Mt. Hood, Oregon
Link includes a copy of the presentation, logic model examples, and blank logic model worksheet.
Citation Information
Rick A Stoddart. "Spock Check: Using Logic Models to Align Collection Management Activities with Library Outcomes" Acquisitions Institute at Timberline Lodge (2016)
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