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Striving for Success: Practical Advice for Reference Graduate Assistants (and Other New Reference Providers)
The Southeastern Librarian (2005)
  • Brett Spencer, University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa
  • Amia L Baker, Auburn University Main Campus
  • Ricchard A Stoddart, Boise State University
  • Sheri Helt
  • Adrienne Lee, University of Southern Mississippi
  • Bryan Tronstad
Practical advice for graduate students working at a library reference desk. Also may be helpful for new librarians working in library reference services.
  • new librarians,
  • reference,
  • graduate assistants,
  • library school students
Publication Date
Spring 2005
Citation Information
Brett Spencer, Amia L Baker, Ricchard A Stoddart, Sheri Helt, et al.. "Striving for Success: Practical Advice for Reference Graduate Assistants (and Other New Reference Providers)" The Southeastern Librarian Vol. 53 Iss. 1 (2005) - 4
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