What is Unique About Unique? An Assessment to Uncover and Value Distinct Collections Within the Main Library Collection
2013 Acquisitions Institute of Timberline Lodge
Many conversations surrounding the future of libraries suggest that libraries are going to be defined by their unique collections. Often these discussions center on the distinctive collections found within a library’s special collections. However the possibility exists that within our stacks there are many unique resources that are also worth valuing, holding on to, and promoting to patrons. In these times of re-prioritizing library shelving footprints in order to create new dynamic study and learning spaces, libraries might unintentionally be dismantling distinctive collections by looking at item level use. This study will examine measures of value associated with library collections and how they might be leveraged to test and uncover potentially unique collections. Articulating value in a clear and consistent manner allows libraries to make better informed decisions about de-selection projects, be strategic in allocating collection development funds, and promote our truly unique collections to stakeholders.
- collection development,
- library value,
- libraries,
- unique collections
Publication Date
May, 2013
Citation Information
Rick A Stoddart, Laurel Kristick and Andrea Wirth. "What is Unique About Unique? An Assessment to Uncover and Value Distinct Collections Within the Main Library Collection" 2013 Acquisitions Institute of Timberline Lodge (2013) Available at: