Facing the Unborn
First Things
Modern science tells us of the identity of each individual human being from conception to adulthood, but our imagination does not fully cooperate. It is difficult to look at a photograph of a zygote and see a fellow human being. There are, however, two strong ways to better align our knowledge and our intuition. One is to look backward in the developmental process. It is easy to grasp that our fellow human beings all used to be zygotes. A second method is now becoming available. DNA can be used to reveal the future face and even the eyes of each zygote. With these aids, our imagination can draw closer to our knowledge, making the pro-life case more convincing.
- pro-life,
- abortion,
Publication Date
August, 2015
Citation Information
Richard Stith. "Facing the Unborn" First Things (2015) Available at: