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Riparian Buffer Systems in Crop and Rangelands
United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service General Technical Report
  • Richard C. Schultz, Iowa State University
  • Thomas M. Isenhart, Iowa State University
  • Joseph P. Colletti, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems Symposium
Publication Version
Published Version
Publication Date
Conference Title
Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems Symposium
Conference Date
August 7-10, 1994
(40.5852602, -105.08442300000002)
Riparian ecosystems occupy a narrow belt of land along streams and around lakes and wetlands and are characterized by plant and animal communities that are dependent on close proximity to water. These ecotones function as buffer zones for materials moving from the uplands toward the surface water. They control stream morphology and ecology and also maintain landscape biodiversity by providing diverse habitats and corridors for animals and plants. Most of the riparian zones in the Midwestern agroecosystems and arid and semiarid western rangelands have been extensively impacted by agricultural cropping and grazing activities. These impacts have generally decreased water quality, impaired riparian and instream biodiversity, increased water quantity, and modified the timing of streamflow. Riparian zones are generally resilient because of their moist, moderate and fertile environments. With proper management, this resiliency can be sustained. Proper management should include construction or restoration of multi-species buffer strips and deferred or rotational grazing or exclusion of livestock. Several riparian zone restoration and management strategies are discussed.

This is a proceeding of the Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems Symposium, United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service General Technical Report 261 (1995): 13-28.

Works produced by the U.S. Government are not copyrighted within the U.S. The content of this document is not copyrighted.
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Citation Information
Richard C. Schultz, Thomas M. Isenhart and Joseph P. Colletti. "Riparian Buffer Systems in Crop and Rangelands" Fort Collins, ColoradoUnited States Department of Agriculture Forest Service General Technical Report Iss. RM-GTR-261 (2005) p. 13 - 28
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