- Epidemiology,
- Oncology and
- Surgery
Management of patients who have disease relapse after completion of surgery and adjuvant chemo-radiation (CRT) is controversial.
Some oncologists would advocate intensive therapeutic intervention due to promising experience on treatment for recurrence disease while others would recommend palliative support due to the concerns for poor patient outcome post disease recurrence.
In Addition, it is not clear if patient outcome is improved post adjuvant CRT when patients at risk have resection margin involvement and if time interval to recurrence can affect patient survival post relapse.
The present study was conducted to determine what factors will affect patient outcome at relapse after previous surgery and adjuvant CRT in high-risk esophageal cancer patients
This clinical information may be useful in providing appropriate guidance for oncologists to manage esophageal cancer patients after disease relapse.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/richard_malthaner/41/