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A homology transfer for a class of simplicial maps
manuscripta mathematica (1982)
  • G. Brumfiel, Stanford University
  • Richard P. Kubelka, San Jose State University
We construct a homology transfer τ*⋮H*(B)→ H*(E) for a certain class of proper simplicial maps p⋮E →B. Roughly, the important hypothesis is that there is a compact space F, so that all fibres Fx>=p−1(x), xɛB, are quotient spaces of F, in a certain locally controlled manner. The composition p*τ*⋮ H*(B)→H*(E)→H*(B) is multiplication by the Euler characteristic of F.
Publication Date
February, 1982
Publisher Statement

First published in manuscripta mathematica in volume 38, number 1, 1982, published by Springer-Verlag.


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Citation Information
G. Brumfiel and Richard P. Kubelka. "A homology transfer for a class of simplicial maps" manuscripta mathematica Vol. 38 Iss. 1 (1982)
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