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A formula for deviation from commutativity: the transfer and Steenrod squares
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1982)
  • Richard P. Kubelka, San Jose State University
The ordinary cohomology transfer associated to the orbit space projection of a finite group action need not commute with stable cohomology operations. In particular, if an even group acts on a space, the resulting transfer τ will not generally commute with the Steenrod squares, Sqi. This paper contains a formula for the deviation from commutativity (Sqiτ — τSqi)χ in the case of an involution. The formula involves the restriction of χ to the cohomology of the fixed point set, as well as certain naturally occurring characteristic classes.
  • Transfer,
  • Steenrod squares,
  • involution,
  • fixed point set
Publication Date
Publisher Statement

© Copyright 1982 American Mathematical Society

First published in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society in volume 85, 1982, published by the American Mathematical Society.

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Citation Information
Richard P. Kubelka. "A formula for deviation from commutativity: the transfer and Steenrod squares" Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 85 (1982)
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