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Response to the Contributors
Connecticut Law Review (2020)
  • Richard S. Kay
In this essay, I respond briefly to 18 articles contributed to this special Festschrift issue of the Connecticut Law Review. All but one of the contributions fall within two categories – constitutional change and constitutional interpretation. These topics have engaged me for most of my career as a legal scholar. While every one of the contributions sheds new and useful light on these subjects, I usually have some differences with the interpretations argued in them Of course, I can only treat those differences superficially here. In each case, moreover, my comments should not obscure my sincere admiration of and appreciation for the authors’ efforts. 
  • Constitutional Law,
  • Comparative Law,
  • Constitutional Interpretation
Publication Date
Spring April, 2020
Citation Information
Richard S. Kay. "Response to the Contributors" Connecticut Law Review Vol. 52 Iss. 5 (2020)
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