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Ar Trebui Femeile Să Fie Hirotonite Ca Pastori? Considerații Asupra Vechiului Testament - Partea a Iii-A
Faculty Publications
  • Richard M. Davidson, Andrews University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Ordination of women,
  • Women clergy,
  • Old Testament teaching

This third part of a four-part study is a tentative answer to the same question we have addressed in the first two parts, namely, whether women should be ordained as pastors in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The answer has been derived from the account of the OT witness on the role of women outside of Eden, both in the home and in the covenant community. In other words, our purpose here is to discover what constitutes God’s provisions for the relationship between men and women after the Fall.


Text in Romanian. English title: "Should Women Be Ordained as Pastors? Old Testament Considerations."

Journal Title
First Department
Old Testament
Citation Information
Richard M. Davidson. "Ar Trebui Femeile Să Fie Hirotonite Ca Pastori? Considerații Asupra Vechiului Testament - Partea a Iii-A" Vol. 9 Iss. 1 (2014) p. 5 - 35
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