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Existential Assessment
Journal of Personality Assessment (1974)
  • Richard H. Dana, Portland State University
  • Shirley Leech

Present day psychological assessment stems from a philosophy of science that values objectivity but fails to comprehend the existence of the person being evaluated. A humanistic-existential model shifts the focus from omnipotence to encounter and encourages client responsibility. The vehicle for this conceptualization is the nature and meaning of the encounter between clinician and client. New questions are posed for the assessor by altering the assessment goals, the stance toward interpretation, and the criterion for validation.

  • Psychodiagnostics,
  • Counselor and client
Publication Date
Citation Information
Richard H. Dana and Shirley Leech. "Existential Assessment" Journal of Personality Assessment Vol. 38 Iss. 5 (1974)
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