Nuestro Espacio Cyber: The Internet as Expressive Space for Latina/os in the United States
Free Speech Yearbook
The Latina/o community is in the midst of a major demographic shift upwards- Along with this population growth, there has been an explosion of Latina,/os across the spectrum of popular culture. However, lack of access to mass-media outlets and social constructions in mainstream society pose obstacles to Latina/o freedom of expression. Meanwhile, the Internet is evolving into a powerful platform for communication and freedom of speech- By developing a stronger Latina/o presence online, it may be possible to channel the power of the Internet as a vehicle for empowerment, expression and freedom of speech.
- Latina,
- /o,
- Hispanic,
- Intemet Access,
- Expression,
- Empowerment,
- Community
Publication Date
Citation Information
Richard D. Pineda. "Nuestro Espacio Cyber: The Internet as Expressive Space for Latina/os in the United States" Free Speech Yearbook Vol. 38 Iss. 1 (2000) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/richard_d_pineda/4/