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Deforestation in the Buea-Limbe and Bertoua regions in Cameroon (1984-2000): Modernization, world-systems, and neo-Malthusian outlook.
USF St. Petersburg campus Faculty Publications
  • Richard S. Mbatu
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Richard S. Mbatu

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This paper characterizes changes in land use and forest cover in southern Cameroon. In doing so, we use remotely sensed data to define the rates and area of forest loss and cover change in two reference areas over a period of 16 years (from 1984 to 2000)—the Buea-Limbe area in the southwest province and the Bertoua area in the east province. We relate socio-economic data of these study areas with results from the empirical spatial analysis to explain causes of deforestation. A second set of explanations, which we call the theoretical perspective, attributes deforestation in southern Cameroon to the intricacies of modernization, world-systems, and neo-Malthusian theories.

Abstract only. Full-text article is available only through licensed access provided by the publisher. Published in GeoJournal, 75(5), 443-458. DOI: 10.1007/s10708-009-9312-7 Members of the USF System may access the full-text of the article through the authenticated link provided.
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Citation Information
Mbatu, R.S. (2010). Deforestation in the Buea-Limbe and Bertoua regions in Cameroon (1984-2000): Modernization, world-systems, and neo-Malthusian outlook. GeoJournal, 75(5), 443-458. DOI: 10.1007/s10708-009-9312-7