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Transfusion Medicine Automated Testing. CAP Survey JAT-A; JAT-B; JAT-C.
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  • Richard Friedberg, MD, Baystate Health
Document Type
Article, Non peer-reviewed
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Citation Information
Shulman IA, AuBuchon JP, Downes KA, Friedberg RC, Hirose TG, Kaplan HS, Mair MB, Osby MA, Ramsey GE, Rodwig Jr. FR, Sherman LA, Bracey AW, Harrison CR, Hanson MJ, Lane T, Sacher RA, Stramer SL. Transfusion Medicine Automated Testing. CAP Survey JAT-A; JAT-B; JAT-C. College of American Pathologists Surveys 2003-2004. 2003 Jan;nv.