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Status of Coral Reefs in the US Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico: Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Navassa
Wilkinson, C. (ed.). Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2000. Australian Institute for Marine Science, Australia.
  • Billy Causey, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
  • Joanne Delaney
  • Ernesto Diaz, Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources
  • Richard E. Dodge
  • Jorge R. Garcia
  • Jamie Higgins
  • Walter Jaap, Florida Marine Research Institute
  • Cruz A. Matos
  • George P. Schmahl, Texas Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
  • Caroline Rogers, US Geological Survey, US Virgin Islands
  • Margaret W. Miller, National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Fisheries Center
  • Donna D. Turgeon
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Coral,
  • Status,
  • GCRMN,
  • Coral Reef Monitoring,
  • Management,
  • Status Report

The following report on the status of US Caribbean coral reef ecosystems has been summarised from more extensive reports submitted to the US Coral Reef Task Force (USCRTF) working group that implemented in 2000 ‘A National Program to Assess, Inventory, and Monitor US Coral Reef Ecosystems’. The more-lengthy reports are also the basis for the biennial-issued document, ‘Status and Trends of US Coral Reef Ecosystems’. Each author is a recognised technical expert with responsibility for monitoring and/or managing aspects of their respective coral reef ecosystems.


Chapter 14 of Full Report

Citation Information
Causey, Billy, Joanne Delaney, Ernesto Diaz, Dick Dodge, Jorge Garcia, Jamie Higgins, Brian Keller et al. "14. Status of Coral Reefs in the US Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico: Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Navassa." (2002).