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Leadership - When Rules of Thumb Do Not Work (2023)
  • Richard D Busby
In "Leadership - When Rules of Thumb Do Not Work," Richard Busby emphasizes the importance of context in leadership and the limitations of relying solely on generalized rules of thumb. Through various insights and anecdotes, Busby argues that effective leadership requires adaptability, humility, and a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives. He underscores the need for leaders to own their errors, seek mentorship, and pivot when necessary. Additionally, Busby highlights the importance of building trust within an organization by prioritizing truth, accountability, and support. The article also touches on the unique demands of high-risk work environments, illustrating how direct leadership and clear expectations are crucial in such settings. Ultimately, Busby advocates for a leadership approach that balances consistency with flexibility and emphasizes continuous learning and personal growth.
  • Leadership,
  • Blindspots,
  • Johari Window,
  • Trust
Publication Date
Winter December 26, 2023
Citation Information
Richard D Busby. "Leadership - When Rules of Thumb Do Not Work" (2023)
Available at:
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