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PANDEMIC: What Are We Learning? (2021)
  • Richard D Busby
The 2020-2021 Pandemic disrupted many fairly stable organizations by forcing change and new learning.  How it affected your organization, depends on where you started in the following capability areas:
  • Policy: Governing rules about “what to do”
  • Process: Agreed steps to do work
  • Productivity: Quality, speed, volume of work performed, cost containment. 
  • Physical Environment: The facilities, grounds, utilities, equipment, devices, network etc.

The article explores an observed pattern in the shift in workplace modality in response to Pandemic mitigation.
  • Pandemic,
  • Learning Leader,
  • Learning Operations,
  • Organizational Design
Publication Date
Fall October 14, 2021
Citation Information
Busby, R., Pandemic: What Are We Learning?. October 14, 2021
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