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About Ricardo Flores

Dr. Flores’ research interests are in astrophysical cosmology and the applications of quantum field theory to the physics of elementary particles. Most recently, Dr. Flores worked with students on gravitational-lensing shear maps of realistic, simulated clusters of galaxies, as well as on making predictions for the expected evolution in maps of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in clusters.

Flores’ most recent work was an analysis of large samples of dark matter halos from cosmological simulations to work out their expected properties in the concordance Cold Dark Matter cosmology with dark energy, which is currently favored by a large body of observational evidence. The first work was on the predicted systematics of the shape of DM halos over a wide range in mass, and at different epochs ( MNRAS 367(2006)1781). The second work was on comparisons to x-ray observations to test the predictions ( MNRAS 377(2007)883). Other relatively recent work has been on clusters of galaxies (ApJ 532(2000)206 and ApJ 538(2000)92) and gravitational lensing (ApJ 533(2000)194 and ApJ 535(2000)555).

On the particle physics side, Flores’ work was on some of the phenomenology expected in supersymmetric quantum field theories. His work has been funded in the past by the National Science Foundation, the University of Missouri System Research Board, and by Research Awards at UM-St. Louis. Over the years, he has collaborated on a long-term basis with scientists from around the world to carry out his research.


2001 - Present Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis Department of Physics and Astronomy
1994 - 2001 Associate Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis Department of Physics and Astronomy
1990 - 1994 Assistant Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis Department of Physics and Astronomy
1992 - 1993 Associate Professor, University of Chile ‐ Department of Physics
1988 - 1990 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Minnesota ‐ Theoretical Physics Institute
1986 - 1988 Scientific Associate, CERN, Switzerland ‐ Theory Division
1984 - 1986 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Brandeis University ‐ Physics Department

Curriculum Vitae


1991 - 2000 University of Missouri
University of Missouri
1992 - 1998 National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation
1992 - 1993 Fundación Andes
Fundación Andes
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1984 PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz ‐ Department of Physics
1979 B.S., University of Chile ‐ Dpto. de Física

Research Works (37)