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Out of Time: Accomplices in Post-Carceral World-Building
  • Benjamin J. Hall, Portland State University
  • Rhiannon M. Cates, Portland State University
  • Vicki L. Reitenauer, Portland State University
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  • Ex-convicts -- United States -- Social conditions,
  • Prisoners -- Deinstitutionalization -- United States,
  • Prisoners as authors,
  • Teaching teams

An article in which a faculty member, a university staff member and former student, and a currently incarcerated student and teaching assistant collaboratively examine their experiences as co-teachers and co-learners in a humanities-based prison classroom, and as co-authors of the article itself. Fostered by the faculty member’s pedagogical approach and design of the course, the authors pose that critical practices of writing and learning are dynamic sites of imagination and collaboration, and in turn, avenues by which informed and intentional futures can be enacted. Locating their practice and experience of partnership within a prison, the authors enter their co-created and individual narratives into a discussion of the liberatory potentiality of written and collaborative “world-building” to identify, resist, and replace mechanisms of harm and oppression, effectively bringing a post-carceral world into being.


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Citation Information
Hall, B.J.; Cates, R.M.; Reitenauer, V.L. Out of Time: Accomplices in Post-Carceral World-Building. Humanities 2019, 8, 64.