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Unpublished Paper
How Citizens Order Their Political Mind: Contemporary Ideology in China
Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference (San Juan, Puerto Rico), January 9-11 (2020)
  • Andrew MacDonald, Duke Kunshan University
  • Reza Hasmath, University of Alberta
This study tests whether Chinese citizens have a consistent ideological orientation across multiple and related political and policy issues. Using a representative online survey, we find relatively weak evidence that Chinese citizens have a consistent ideological orientation towards general and specific issue questions. These findings suggest that authoritarian regimes such as China may have different operations in play when it comes to ideological orientations; and more broadly, partially disconfirms received academic wisdom that general issue orientation is a universal trait across jurisdictions.
  • ideology,
  • political and policy preferences,
  • citizens,
  • China
Publication Date
Citation Information
MacDonald, A. and Hasmath, R. (2020) “How Citizens Order Their Political Mind: Contemporary Ideology in China”, Paper Presented at Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference (San Juan, Puerto Rico), January 9-11.